Michael George
Licensed Massage Therapist
Fitness Coach
Mixed Martial Arts Coach
In Person Fitness and Martial Arts Training
1 on 1: $80 Per Session
Small Group (2-5 people): $50 Per Person, Per Session
Online Coaching
Nutrition Plan: $200 Per Month
Workout Plan: $200 Per Month
Workout & Nutrition Plan: $350 Per Month
**Plans are based on month-to-month basis. Discounts available for 3-, 6-, and 12-month contracts**
Massage Therapy
1 Hour: $120
1.5 Hour: $170
2 Hour: $220
**All massages are fully customizable and can include but are not limited to: Swedish, Deep Tissue, Cupping, & Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization (IASTM)
All massage rates include gratuity so there is no need to tip unless you feel inclined to do so.**
Chair Massage
1 Hour: $120
2 Hours: $230
3 Hours: $330
4 Hours: $400
5 Hours: $475
6 Hours: $540
**Do you want to treat your employees to a relaxing and rejuvenating massage for all their hard work? With our chair massage events, we travel to your place of business and set up to help unwind and destress at work.
How it works is you can determine how many employees you have, and how many minutes per employee you would like (10-30 minutes each) and book us by the hour.**
2 Hour Health and Wellness Seminar: $200
**Learn how to build your own nutrition and workout program, as well as the mindset you'll need to sustain it.**
1 Hour Self Defense Seminar: $50 Per Person
**Learn self-defense techniques and strategies that work designed by fighters will real experience.**